ANZAC day is fast approaching. On the 25 of April is one of Australia’s most important national occasions.
For the first time in Australia’s history, due to the COVID-19 restrictions our communities will not be able to pay our respects to the ANZAC spirit in public.
However, this does not mean we can’t show our respects in the safety of our homes.
The team at Pop Up Homes will be doing a “light up the dawn on ANZAC day”.
You can too; simply stand at the end of your driveway, balcony or living room at 6 am on Saturday the 25th of April and play a digital recording of the dawn service.
Go to Light Up the dawn webpage here and there will be a button on the page that says, “PLAY YOUR SERVICE HERE”.
This will play a digital recorded service:
• Acknowledgement of country
• The Ode – RSL Queensland president Tony Ferris
• The last Post
• A minute’s silence
• Reveille
• The National Anthem
On behalf of the Pop Up Homes team, we thank our ANZACS and military services for everything they have done for us
Lest We Forget
ANZAC monuments in park ANZAC 25th of April 2020
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