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There has been a worrying trend with Australians, that they are less likely to own their own home. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare released it’s 2 yearly reports, and it has highlighted the disturbing decline in homeownership.

source: Australians Are Less Likely To Own Property Each Passing Generation (news.com.au)

  • The rate of homeownership for 30-34-year-olds has fallen by 14% in the last 45 years. In 1971 about 64% owned their own homes but only 50% did in 2016.
  • The reason for the changes in homeownership has been influenced by household demographics as well as population increases. 
  • The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare believes, that the number of single people and single-parent households had an increase. These types of groups tend to have a lower income and can’t afford a home mortgage. 
  • There also has been a huge increase in the Australian population, which has increased the demand for housing. Especially in cities like Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney where most migrants have settled.
  • Affordability is a really big issue as well, with housing prices at 8.5 times the median household income in Sydney and about 7.5 times in Melbourne.
  • Students from overseas have also greatly impacted the private rental market. Mainly in major cities and are putting pressure on demand for housing.

It is worrying that younger Australians are going to find it harder to get into the property market. The Australian Queensland Government has come up with a housing strategy for 2017-2027. The housing strategy looks at investing $1.8 billion, for social and affordable housing and transform the way that housing services are delivered to better support people in need. 

The Queensland government Key areas of action are:

Construction and Jobs

  • Construction jobs will be boosted by creating a stronger pipeline of development.
  • supply of social and affordable rental housing will be increased. Housing precincts and neighbourhoods will be revitalised by attracting private and government investment. 

Young Australians

  • Young people in public housing will have a greater capacity to pursue education, training and employment opportunities, and social and economic participation.
  • Highly vulnerable young people exiting from out-of-home care and institutional settings will receive improved access to safe and secure housing options, to support their transition to independence.

Affordable and innovative housing solutions

  • State, local government and private sector stakeholders will work collaboratively to identify, leverage and manage development opportunities across the state, to create greater housing choice and diversity, respond to local needs and improve neighbourhood liveability. 
  • A genuinely affordable housing market will be delivered in partnership with community housing providers, through greater flexibility to use existing program funds and project financing arrangements.

Supporting seniors

Older people living in retirement villages and residential parks will have better protection through legislative reforms.
Older people living in public housing will be supported to age in their homes through increased accessibility and adaptability of their dwellings.
Seniors will have enhanced housing support by implementing service improvements to address the issues raised by the Advisory Taskforce on Residential Transition for Ageing Queenslanders.

Service delivery transformation

Housing and homelessness services will take a more holistic and person-centred approach, and people will be linked to the support they need to improve their wellbeing and self-reliance, and access and sustain safe and secure tenancies. 
Modern and innovative services will support people to have better access to information about their full range of housing options and the housing and support services, that can help them to achieve their aspirations.

Supporting the most vulnerable

Vulnerable Queenslanders will have access to and will sustain housing through early intervention, referrals, coordinated support, and personalised assistance. 
Housing and support will be proactively delivered to provide pathways and support broader human services outcomes for vulnerable Queenslanders.

Fairness for all

Consumers will be protected and empowered, and the retirement village and residential park industries will be supported to supply quality services with confidence.  
People living in the private rental market will have better consumer protection and housing stability through legislative and policy reforms.

source: Queensland Housing Strategy 2017–2027 (QLD Govt)

To combat these growing concerns Pop Up Homes have been planning and developing a solution to solve the affordable housing crisis in Australia. Shanyn Pedersen having 15 years’ experience in various property investments, knows firsthand that the affordable housing crisis isn’t going away.

Thus, Shayn has developed 3 affordable Pop Up Homes ranging from 37 SQM 1 bedroom and 58 SQM 2 bedroom and 3 bedrooms pre-fabricated Pop Up Home. Shayn developed these homes with affordable housing in mind for those that want to downsize due to financial issues, or for those that want to get into the housing market.

Not only can Pop Up Homes be the solution to affordable living, but it can also be the solution for emergency shelters and Field Hospitals for areas that have been impacted by environmental disasters.

More information on our Granny Flats Page…


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