GET $45,000 in GOVERNMENT GRANTS for a limited time only. BE QUICK, time is running out.
Why is now the best time to build a Pop Up Home? You can get up to $45,000 In Government Grants.
HOMEBUILDER GRANTS ENDS on the 31st of December 2020:
What does this mean?
- All Homebuilder grants must be submitted to the Treasury by close of business on the 31st of December 2020
- You must have signed a building contract by the 31st of December
- You must have paid your deposit
- To do a building contract we must have, done your floor plans, site plans, and quote, this takes on average one full week
- You can use your homebuilders grant as a progress payment if your stumps are installed early. There is limited space available for the installation of your stumps.
DON’T LEAVE IT UNTILL ITS TO LATE the 31st of December is approaching FAST.
The Australian Government has announced $25,000 new Home builders grant and yes you can also get the FIRST HOMEOWNERS Grant of $15,000 as well.
If you live in Regional Queensland, you are entitled to an additional $5,000 Regional Grant.
That is a total of $45,000 in grants towards your Pop Up Home.
The average price for a Pop Up Home in South East QLD is $85,000 Including council approvals.
Are you eligible for the Queensland regional and homebuilders grant?
1. You are a person and not a company or trust
2. You are 18 years or older
3. You are an Australian Citizen
4. If you are single your 2018 - 2019 taxable income must be less than $120,000
5. If you are a couple your 2018 - 2019 taxable income must be less than $200,000
6. You must enter into a building contract between the 4th of June and the 31st of December
7. The building must not exceed $750,000. (there is no minimum build price set)
8. Construction must commence within 3 months of the contract date
For more information Please contact Shan on 0407121556 or Visit our website at www.popuphomes.com.au
Please visit the below link for the fact sheet on the Homebuilder’s Grant:
Please visit the below link for the Eligibility tester for the first home owners grant: